Generating leads can be easy.
But generating high-quality leads is a different matter.
Once mastered though, that consistent and predictable stream of contacts is highly valuable.
Whatever lead generation channels you opt for, remember the key is to provide value to the right people, as well as demonstrating how your product or service will solve their challenge.
Mix things up
We’re about to explore some different options for lead generation. But, before we do, remember that trying a range of tools and tactics is important to discover what works best for your business. Plus, only by testing will you know how effective these channels really are.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising
How simple is it to open up Google and make a search? Now, for a B2B audience, it’s often even easier to capture their attention. B2B audiences are likely to be sitting at a desk in front of a PC, tablet or laptop, which means they potentially have more time to absorb your content.
Compared with search engine optimisation (SEO), PPC marketing is one of the quickest ways to see results fast. Depending on your industry, it can also be one of the most expensive, so do your research beforehand.
The most frequently used PPC channel is Google Ads. You’ll find other search engine channels offering similar services, but Google is the giant.
But PPC is a wide-ranging category. You can place ads on Facebook, LinkedIn, Snapchat and YouTube, which are also considered to be effective PPC advertising. Wherever you pay by the click, it’s PPC.
Content Lead Generation Strategies
The first step with your content strategy is to get clear on your audience. Then you can create content that’s engaging, interesting and valuable to them. Before you can convert leads into paying customers, there are typically a number of stages you need to filter your way through. These include building trust, demonstrating value, persuading and influencing.
Blogging is a perfect place to start. It gives you the opportunity to rank for your target keywords in Google, and it’s a great way to showcase your knowledge, value and experience. Teamed with a perfectly positioned call to action, you can guide the right people through your sales funnel.
Did you know that content marketing delivers three times as many leads than traditional marketing methods? But, in a digital world full of content, it’s important you stand out from the rest.
What content should I share?
Here at Airbase, we want to deliver true value to those in our audience. One way we decide what to write about is by ASKING! We released a video on LinkedIn asking potential customers to get in touch with their most common questions – which was engaging content in itself…
But this also led to a list of questions, which we collated. We then delivered answers in blogs, videos and through social media posts.
By sharing content you can start to gain authority with your audience. Here are a few ideas:
- Secondary research-based articles: sharing insights from the research of others in your field
- Primary research-based articles: insights you have backed up by data you’ve gathered.
- Trending content pieces: talk about what’s in the news or what’s happening in your industry.
- Infographics and other visual content: a picture can be worth a thousand words. So sometimes let infographics, photos and videos do the talking.
- Useful tips and guides: share content that helps your audience solve a problem.
When you regularly share an array of content, you’ll stay at the forefront of minds. We hear many stories (and have seen ourselves) of how a blog post from years before has led to the very best of converted leads.
And don’t forget your landing page
Setting your ads up is simply the beginning. What your potential client does next is the crucial step. They’ve arrived on your landing page. Is it clear what you want them to do next? Do you provide the trust-building value they need to click ‘submit’ on your form?
Consider what it is you’re aiming to achieve on your landing page. What would be a good objective at this point in your client’s relationship with you? Don’t go too hard, too soon.
Does Your Business Need Better Qualified Leads?
We nurture leads through automated marketing channels every day for clients. If you’d like to hear how then get in touch today and we’ll share more!